Cultures of Participation
in the Digital Age

CoPDA (Cultures of Participation in the Digital Age) is a workshop series that aims at involving researchers and practitioners in the discussion of contemporary topics, by presenting their research and sharing ideas on a specific theme.

Cultures of participation have come to light as a consequence of the shift from consumer cultures, where people are mainly passive recipients of artifacts and systems, to producer cultures, in which users are actively involved in the design and development of solutions to their problems. This requires exploring related challenges and providing users with socio-technical environments to create their own artifacts, and possibly developing new skills. 

The digital age is defined by the use of technology to support how people communicate and interact in their everyday and working lives. It offers new and exciting opportunities to people, but it also presents new challenges to researchers and designers: utility, efficiency, productivity, trust, and other human values should be considered in a holistic sense oriented to enhance the quality of life of people.

The CoPDA team started this collaboration in 2013 and, so far, organized 7 workshops in conjunction with various international conferences around Europe.

The series of workshops led to several publications such as proceedings, workshop description papers, and journal special issues.

Copyright 2024 @ Università degli Studi di Brescia

(CREDITS: Some of the pictures used in this website are from Unsplash)